Setting instructions:
double-sided dispenser M100

How do I set the double-sided dispenser M100 ?

TM 2400E with double-sided dispenser M100

Our pneumatic double-sided dispenser M100 convinces with its simultaneous ejection movement from two sides. The advantages of this dispenser are evident in the use of large pots, square pots and also lightly used pots. Due to the parallel ejection, heavy or somewhat stuck pots can be better destacked and separated. This dispenser can handle round pots up to 40cm and square pots up to 28cm. Switching between two pot sizes is set within minutes. Our step-by-step instructions and the instructional video will help you with this.

The double-sided dispenser M100 is available for the following potting machines: TM 1010F, TM 2400E, TM 2432E, TM 2020F and TM 2040.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Loosen the cover on the turntable and slide it to the back
Step 2: Adjust the turntable to the desired pot size using a socket wrench
Step 3: Reduce the turntable speed and move the drill motor to the lower position
The upper holding jaw and the ejector are now standing apart
Step 4: Insert the desired pots
Step 5: Use the crank to set the appropriate width
The upper edge of the pot now rests on the uppermost holding jaw
Step 6: Take out the pots
... and move the drill motor upwards
Step 7: Reinsert the pots and loosen the locking screws of the lower retaining jaw
Step 8: Adjust the lower holding jaws and position below the edge of the pot
Step 9: Tighten the locking screws
Step 10: Adjust the height of the pots
So that the upper holding jaw and the ejector are between the last two pots
Step 11: Close the covers and your perfectly adjusted double-sided dispenser M100 is ready

Instructional video


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